PokéRogue 游戏

  • 中文名: 宝可梦肉鸽
  • 平台: Web
  • 游戏类型: Rogue-lite
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 发行日期: 2024年3月22日
  • 官方网站: https://pokerogue.net/
  • 制作: Pagefault Games


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    What is PokeRogue - A Pokemon Rogue-lite game?
    PokeRogue is a unique rogue-lite experience set in the Pokemon universe. Unlike traditional Pokemon games, PokeRogue features procedurally generated worlds, meaning the map and encounters change with every playthrough. This injects a hefty dose of strategy and replayability, forcing you to adapt to ever-changing situations. Additionally, while it doesn't have permadeath like some Roguelike, PokeRogue offers a challenging experience that requires careful planning and resource management.

    Who create PokeRogue?
    The creative minds behind PokeRogue remain shrouded in a bit of mystery. However, the game's active development can be found on GitHub, hinting at a passionate community effort. This collaborative spirit adds another layer of intrigue to the ever-evolving world of PokeRogue.

    What are audiences of this rogue-lite game?
    If you're a Pokemon fan yearning for a fresh challenge that tests your strategic thinking and adaptability, then PokeRogue is for you. The ever-changing environments and strategic depth make it perfect for players who have mastered the mainline Pokemon games and crave something new.

    How to play PokeRogue online?
    Play PokeRogue online on web browser
    The good news is you can experience the thrill of PokeRogue directly from your web browser!

    Firstly, go to https://pokerogue.io/ by you PC/Mobile browser: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari ...
    Secondly, click "PLAY NOW" to load the game.
    Thirdly, Login (if you have account already) or Register new account
    Finaly, choose NEW GAME and enjoy the game
    While an official release might be on the horizon, for now, you can find the game through various online sources (a quick web search for "Play PokeRogue online" should do the trick).

    大家将 PokéRogue 标注为




    幽灵3383 玩过 @ 1d 11h ago


    咕咕子❶ 在玩 @ 2024-5-28 00:18


    um 搁置 @ 2024-5-23 21:31

    2024/05/07:官服很不稳,一局能有十数次断开链接要重打的情况。隔几个小时服务器还会彻底挂掉一次。 项目本身开源,本地部署看上去不难,不过还是在官服上留下记录更有满足感… 2024/05/08:官服挂了半天没恢复,就试着本地部署玩了下,但新鲜感褪去,我实在没有重打进度欲望了… 本作目前十分欠缺打磨,从 “功能尚未实现的招式” ,到 “倍速时一次按键多次判定,一不留神就会意外放生宝可梦/忘掉招式”,大小毛病很多。还是等优化几个月再看吧… 搁置了。 2024/05/09:官服恢复了,进展还在。果然还是想继续玩,那就继续了。 2024/05/23:虽然说起来有些怪,作为以三代为童年的休闲玩家,一直记不熟属性克制关系的我通过本作巩固了不少,这让我终于有信心尝试《朱紫》的级别对战。结果这几天都在玩实机双打,乐不思蜀,本作好久没打开了。搁置了。

    魔女凯西 玩过 @ 2024-5-23 01:31


    卡农 玩过 @ 2024-5-21 18:34


    panda 玩过 @ 2024-5-21 16:39


    残月霜星 在玩 @ 2024-5-13 00:48


    神罚 玩过 @ 2024-5-5 21:06

    用了原版对战框架的rogue页游 一秒中毒 打了两天通关了剧情模式 爽到昏厥 因为卡等级上限所以成型前还颇有点难度 但是能反复读档并且所有的随机数都固定 一看要打不过直接f5从头再来 真正想挑战的话还是得禁s/l 最银杏化的是一个网页游戏居然还支持手柄 真的具有相当的完成度和可玩性 虽是祖传的系统 fanmade能在这个核心框架上弄出新意 确实有想法 8分

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