Space Jam 电影


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As NBA superstar Michael Jordan retires from basketball to pursue a career in baseball, Mister Swackhammer, the proprietor of the extraterrestrial theme park "Moron Mountain", is seeking new attractions for his failing park. He sends his minions, the "Nerdlucks", to capture the Looney Tunes, who reside deep below the surface of the Earth.

The Looney Tunes retaliate by challenging the Nerdlucks to a basketball game, since they are not very tall. To prepare for the game, the Nerdlucks return to Earth and steal the talent of Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Muggsy Bogues, Larry Johnson and Shawn Bradley by forcing their way into the players' bodies and stealing their talent. The Nerdlucks use the stolen talent to become the "Monstars" (or "Mean Team"), gigantic creatures that the Looney Tunes are unable to defeat by themselves. To aid them, the characters recruit Jordan, who reluctantly agrees after the Monstars squash him into the shape of a basketball and bounce him around like one.

Soon after, the game between the TuneSquad and the Monstars begins, but the Looney Tunes are roughed up by the brutal playing style of the Monstars until only Jordan, Bugs, Lola and Daffy are left standing leaving them short one player. Bill Murray, being friends with the producer of the film, is able to enter the Looney Tunes' world and join their team, averting forfeiture.

By the climax of the game, the TuneSquad are down by one, and it is up to Jordan to score the final point for his team. Using his extendable arm, supplemented by the power of toon physics, Jordan manages to make the basket and win the game. He convinces the Monstars to give back the stolen talent, changing them back to Nerdlucks; they have already decided to stay with the other Looney Tunes instead of returning to Moron Mountain. Afterwards, the characters return Jordan back to Earth, where he returns the stolen talent back to their respective owners. He is later prompted by his rivals to return to the NBA, mirroring his real-life comeback.

In the post credits scene, Bugs Bunny appears inside the classic episode bullseye saying "That's all folks", then Porky Pig supposedly was about to say it, then Daffy interrupts him and gets thrown out by the Nerdlucks, leaving them to completely say the closing line. Michael Jordan then lifts the page to ask if he can go home now. It all ended with the "That's all folks" signature appearing.




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